Cancel Victoria's Secret Credit Card

How To Cancel Victoria’s Secret Credit Card?

Do you believe your Victoria’s Secret credit card is charging too much and things are getting out of your budget now? Then why don’t you just cancel it? Yes, disable your Victoria’s Secret credit card and take a breath of relief towards the end of this article. 

If you are fond of getting attractive lingerie with pretty colors and designer lace, then Victoria’s Secret is the best choice where you will find a great variety in every size. You can also get amazing sleepwear, apparel, and accessories from their store, and if you are an active customer, you must have their credit card as well. 

To cancel Victoria’s Secret credit card, you have to first clear your balance on the respective credit card after which you will be required to contact customer service of Victoria’s Secret. Explain to them that you want to get your card canceled along with the reason and your personal as well as card details. Once they approve your request, your VS credit card will be canceled. 

There are many other things that you need to consider while canceling your Angel Card from Victoria’s Secret so that you are not at loss. Continue to read to understand in detail why you need to cancel your Victoria’s secret credit card and how it can be done effortlessly. 

What Is Victoria’s Secret Credit Card?

Victoria’s Secret offers an exclusive credit card called the Angel Card which can be used to purchase products from their store only. There are a lot of offers that you get with this card on purchase, thus, if you shop a lot from the Victoria’s Secret stores, then you need to be aware of the advantages of using this card.

The first and best thing to know about the Angel Card from Victoria’s Secret is that you are not charged any kind of membership fee for it. 

You get a lot of rewards with your purchases from Victoria’s Secret stores. On getting your VS credit card, you will also receive an amount of $25 as an initial rewards bonus. You also qualify with fair credit with the use of this Angel Card. 

There is no cash advance fee, no cash advance APR, no Foreign Transaction Fee, no Max Overlimit fee, and no Max Penalty APR. along with these benefits, the card comes with a smart chip and you also get a grace period of about 25 days. 

Also, read How To Cancel Clear Membership? 3 Easy Ways!

Why Cancel Your Victoria’s Secret Credit Card?

Now, after looking into the benefits that one gets on applying for and obtaining a credit card from Victoria’s Secret, a lot of people might be wondering what is the need to cancel this great Angel Card. 

Though the reward rate of Angel Card is quite high, you also get Spending Caps on rewards which is not a good sign. 

Apart from this, the regular APR of Victoria’s Secret credit cards is 27.99% which is a considerable value and cannot be ignored. You are also charged a max late fee of about $41 on this card. 

Due to all these reasons, there would be nothing wrong in considering the cancelation of your Victoria’s Secret credit card especially if you do not purchase much from it. For those who buy a lot of products from Victoria’s Secret and also remember to pay the credit on time, there is no harm to continue using this card. 

How Do I Cancel My Victoria’s Secret Credit Card? 

If you are done using your Victoria’s Secret credit card and no longer feel the need to use it anymore, then you can cancel it anytime. If you are not sure about the cancelation process of your Angel Card, we are here to guide you with the right procedure for that. 

Here are the steps that are required to be followed sequentially:

1. Clear Your Pending Balance

First of all, you need to make sure that you have paid all your balance on the credit card. You can cancel your Victoria’s Secret credit card only if its balance is $0. 

2. Collect The Required Personal And Bank Information

The cardholder will be required to provide some details about themselves. This will include their personal information like name, phone number, and social security. 

You also need to mention the bank account that you have liked with your Victoria’s Secret Angel Card account. 

Lastly, you also need to have your respective credit card number and related credit card information. 

3. Contact The Victoria’s Secret Customer Care

Once your credit card balance is clear and you also have the required information and details with you, you have to contact the service team of Victoria’s Secret Customer Care. The contact number of Victoria’s Secret customer care is 1-800-695-9478. 

Remember that you won’t be able to cancel this card through your bank. For canceling your Angel Card, you will need to talk to customer support. 

Also, read How To Cancel Regal Unlimited? 3 Ways To Cancel!

4. Share A Valid Reason For Canceling Your Card

As you contact the customer care of Victoria’s Secret, they will most probably ask you the reason why you want to cancel your Angel Card. Explain any reason that you find compelling. Even if they encourage you to continue keeping this card, you have to insist that you want it canceled. 

5. Ask About The Payable Charges If Any

As you inform customer care that you want to cancel your card, you must also ask them if there are any charges for canceling your account for the Angel Card. Most of the time, there are no such charges, but it is better that you ask them beforehand. 

The payable charges will vary as per the agreement with your lender. Also, ask if there is any confirmation number required. It is better that you keep a pen and paper with you while speaking with them so that you can keep a note of all important details, you can also record the call. This way, your card will be canceled. 

6. Review Your Bank Statement 

Finally, you will have to review the bank statement of the account that you have associated with your Angel Card. You must check the statement right after the cancelation of your Angel Card and also keep checking it for up to 60 days after cancelation. 

You need to check this to keep a track of the extra charges deducted from the Victoria’s Secret Account if any, so that you can inform their customer support. 

As you have followed all these steps, your Victoria’s Secret credit card will be canceled without any hassle and you no longer need the physical card, so just destroy it completely to prevent yourself from any identity or financial security risks. 

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How To Cancel Victoria’s Secret Credit Card Of A Deceased Person?

If the owner of Victoria’s Secret credit card has passed away, and you are closely connected to the person, you would want to cancel all their active credit cards including the Victoria’s Secret Angel Card. 

Don’t worry, there is a way that you can still cancel the card even if the original user is no more. 

Here are the steps that you are required to follow so that you can disable the Angel Card of a deceased loved one in your family. 

1. Find All Associated Names With The Owner’s Account

First of all, you have to check the credit card account of the person to see if there are any names associated with it. There are many instances when the card is issued as a joint account, and if there is a joint account holder, you can discuss with them if they want to keep it or not. 

However, if there is no joint account holder of the card, you will have to proceed with the cancelation process. 

2. Notify The Issuer Of The Credit Card

Once you are sure that the card has to be canceled, you need to immediately inform the card issuer of this Angel Card to let them know that the original owner is no more so that no interest or additional fees is charged to the account. 

To notify the issuer, you can contact the customer support number of Victoria’s Secret which is 1-800-695-9478. 

To make them believe your statement, you will be required to provide the issuer with valid documentation. A death certificate or any related notification from the court will work. Also, make sure that you are authorized to act on the behalf of the deceased person. 

3. Clear The Account Balance

As you know that the account balance of the credit card should be Zero at the time you are canceling it, you will have to handle this. You do not need to pay the amount from your own funds, this repayment is done under the Executor Duties, so you can resolve it through the estate. 

4. Redeem The Rewards If Any

If there are any awards that the deceased cardholder has received on their account, you can redeem them but again only if you are an authorized person to act on their behalf. Once the estate has paid the balance in full, you will most probably be able to use the available rewards. 

5. Cancel Any Recurring Payments

Finally, make sure that you cancel all the automated, recurring payments that the deceased owner had set up through their bank. Remember that even if you have canceled the credit card, the payment will still be processed if you have not canceled all the active automated and recurring payments. Seek help from the service provider for this step. 

That is it, once you are done with the entire process, make sure that you dispose of the card safely so that there is not any further case of identity theft which is quite common now. 

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Can I Cancel My Victoria’s Secret Credit Card Online?

No, as for now, there is no way that you can cancel your Victoria’s Secret credit card online on your own. You will be required to call the customer service of Victoria’s Secret and request the cancelation of the card. You cannot even refer to the respective bank for the card cancelation. 

Does Victoria Secret Close Your Credit Card If You Don’t Use It?

If inactivity for a long period (about a year) is noticed on a Victoria’s Secret Credit Card, there are great chance that the card will automatically be closed. Make sure that you use your Victoria’s Secret Credit Card (Angel Card) at least once in 12 months if you do not want it to get closed. However, if you are not using your card for so long, it indicates that you don’t need it, so it better be closed. 

Victoria’s Secret Credit Cards – FAQs

Do Victoria’s Secret Credit Cards Expire?

Yes, there is an expiration time of nearly all credit cards let alone your Victoria’s Secret Angel Card. If you do not use your victoria’s Secret Credit Card even once in a 12-month period, then it is most likely to become inactive. Though you can contact customer services to activate your card again, you would have lost all your accumulated points if any by then. 

What Is The Highest Credit Limit For Victoria’s Secret?

As for the start, the expected credit limit for a Victoria’s Secret credit card is about $500, however, the cardholders can also have credit limits of around $5000, which is a great deal. There is no specific highest credit limit as per the card issuer, it depends on various factors, like your credit score. 

What Credit Score Is Required To Get a Victoria’s Secret Credit Card?

You can have your own Victoria’s Secret credit card (angel card) only if your current credit score is at least over 640. If it is less than that, you will first need to level up your credit score to be eligible of getting this card issued. 

Can I Use My Victoria’s Secret Credit Card Anywhere?

No, your Victoria’s Secret credit card is basically a closed-loop card. Thus, it means that there are only specific stores where you can use this credit card. As for your Angel Card, it can only be used in the Victoria’s Secret stores and the PINK stores in the U.S. You can also purchase online from with the help of this credit card. 

Can I Use My Victoria Secret Card Without The Card In Store?

If you have applied for Victoria’s Secret credit card and your application has been approved, then you can use your card immediately even if it has been issued yet. You will be provided a virtual account number (VAN) for that card which you can make use of at most 4 times and with a maximum of $600 or your credit limit within 24 hours of approval of your PINK card. Thus, even if you don’t physically have the card at the moment, you can still use that VS card in the store. 

Wrap Up

We hope that you will easily be able to cancel your Victoria’s Secret Credit Card once you properly go through this article. You really do not need this card if you are an infrequent shopper at the stores of Victoria’s Secret, so it better be deactivated. If there is any other card or subscription that you would like to cancel, tell us in the comments so that we can provide you with the procedure. 

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