How To Cancel Sonic Internet?

How To Cancel Sonic Internet? 4 Effective Methods!!

It seems like you are using Sonic Internet Service provider due to its low budget price, but now its price suddenly increases, due to which most people end up canceling their Sonic Internet Services. If you also want the same, then we will help you with this. 

Whether you want to do work from home or students need study materials, wifi is the most important for that and what about you find that internet provider which provides you with almost unbeatable speed? Obviously, you will feel good and your work will not remain pending. For this, Sonic Internet is best for you. It is the fastest and most budget-friendly internet service provider in California.

Sonic Internet provides you with some easy ways to cancel your service which include the following- 

  • Cancel Online
  • Cancel Over The Phone
  • Cancel Via Email
  • Cancel Via Cancelation Form. 

Sonic Internet Cancellation Policy 

Before canceling your Sonic Internet service provider, you need to completely understand its cancellation policy, so that you will not face any difficulty while canceling. 

  • Cancelation requests will be submitted only by the customer who is the administrator of the Sonic Account
  • You must submit any request for cancelation within 30 days prior to the date you wish to disconnect your service. 
  • The requested disconnect date must fall on or before the contract term of the service being disconnected. 
  • You need to return the equipment to their team within 5 days of canceling your service. 

How To Cancel Sonic Internet?

Well!! Sonic Internet believes in providing the best internet services along with customer satisfaction. If any of the people are not satisfied with their services, they will try their best to analyze the problem and resolve it for the customers. But, still, apart from this, they also provide with best and easy methods to cancel Sonic Internet Service. Whether you want to cancel the service on your own or with the help of their team, you are allowed to opt for any of the methods. Here are some of the methods to cancel your Sonic Internet Service. 

Cancel Sonic Internet Online

The first method to cancel Sonic Internet Service is online by going to the Sonic Internet Account Cancellation Page from the member tools page and following the instructions to cancel the service. Follow the steps displayed on the screen to completely cancel the service. 

Cancel Sonic Internet Over The Phone

Suppose you are facing any difficulty while canceling your service online or maybe you are not able to understand the online cancelation instructions properly. In that case, you can take the help of their customer service team. The first and the most convenient way to contact their service team is by calling on their provided and working phone number. 

Follow these simple steps to cancel Sonic Internet Over The Phone- 

  • Call Sonic Internet Customer Support Number (707)-522-1000 or 1-888-7664233 to submit your service cancelation request. 
  • You can make a call on this number on any day between 8 am to 10 pm. These are their working hours.
  • After making a call, within a few minutes, you will get connected with their team member on a call
  • You just simply make a clear and short conversation with them about canceling your service and they will then ask for your information
  • After getting the required information, they will cancel the service for you and provide you with a confirmation message in your email, which ensures that your service is now canceled. 

Cancel Sonic Internet Via Email

If you are not comfortable talking with their team member directly over a call, then they also provide you with some other way to contact their team which is Via Email. Yes, you can send a well-composed email to their team. Include a valid Subject to your Email and include all the required information related to your service in the body of the email. 

Send that well-composed email to [email protected] and wait for their response. Remember, that they will only help you in canceling your service if your name is listed on the account. So, make sure that you will send your cancelation email to their team, with the same email as yours, which is listed on their records. So, that they can easily recognize you and cancel the service for you. 

Cancel Sonic Internet Via Cancelation Form

If you want that their service team will contact you from their side, then for this, you need to fill out Sonic Internet Service Cancelation Request Form. Fill out the entire form with all the necessary fields properly and after that hit the “Cancel Service” button from the bottom.  

After submitting the form, their team will contact you personally and after some discussion with you, they will surely help you with your cancelation process. 

How To Return Sonic Internet Equipment?

After canceling your Sonic Internet Service, if you have borrowed any of the equipment from Sonic Internet, then you’ll have to return it to their team after your cancelation. As discussed above, your cancelation will have a 30 days notice period and after the end of the 30th day, your return label will be sent to you and you need to return the equipment within 5 days just after your cancelation is complete. 

If you are finding any difficulty in returning the equipment, then you can make a call to their team at (707)-522-1000 between 8 am to 10 pm. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Modify Your Sonic Internet Plan?

Yes, you can change your Sonic Internet Plan by making a call to their customer service number at 1-888-766-4233 or you can upgrade or downgrade your plan from Sonic Member Tools

Does Sonic Charge Cancelation Fees?

Sonic Internet comes in 12 month contract period and according to its terms & conditions, if you cancel the service before its contract term, then you have to pay some amount of early cancelation fee. 

Can You Freeze Your Sonic Internet Service?

No, you can’t put your Sonic Internet Service on hold. 

How To Contact Sonic Internet Customer Service?

If you are Sonic’s new member or existing member, if at any point, you need help from their team, then you are free to contact their team on their working hours. Go to Sonic Internet Contact Page to get their contact details. 


If you are planning to set up the wifi services in your home, then Sonic Internet could be a better option for you. You can set up its connection on your home with free installation and the best part is that its cancelation ways are also very easy. Yes, as discussed above, you can easily cancel your Sonic Internet Service. Also Know, how to cancel Spectrum Internet.


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