How To Cancel Georgia Power

How To Cancel Georgia Power Service? 3 Methods!!

We know that canceling any energy service can be tough and confusing sometimes, but as always we are here to help you with your cancelation with Georgia Power. If you are thinking of canceling your Georgia Power Service, then you just need to do one thing, read the entire article to know about the methods and then try to cancel the service on your own. 

Georgia Power is a very popular Electricity Utility Company of United States in Georgia. This company also deals in several power plants, which makes it one of the largest nuclear power plant companies in the United States. Many people opt for its services, as it lowers your electricity bills but some of them wanna cancel it, Let’s find out how this can be done. 

You can cancel your Georgia Power Service online from its website from the “Stop Service” option or you can get immediate help from their customer service team for cancelation. 

How To Cancel Georgia Power Online?

Follow these steps to cancel your Georgia Power online from its website. 

  • Select “What type of customer are you” – Residential or Business. Select by tapping the “Continue” button 
  • Tap on the “Stop Service” option from the next page
  • Log in to your Georgia Power Account by tapping on the “Log in” link from the top
  • You can also enter your Account details or number and then hit the “Next” button
  • Follow the steps on the next page to confirm your cancelation. 

How To Cancel Georgia Power Over The Phone?

Almost everybody’s favorite method is to cancel their service over the phone. You know what why? Because calling is the only way to get in direct contact with their team and have a clear conversation about your cancelation. So, that they properly communicate with you about the issue you are facing and provide you the possible solution to overcome the problem or cancel the service. 

Georgia Power Customer Service Numbers

  • Residential Customer Service: 1-888-660-5890
  • Business Customer Service: 1-888-655-5888
  • Report A Power Outage: 1-888-891-0938

Make a call to their customer service number and talk with one of their team representatives regarding your cancelation topic and they will help you with this.

How To Cancel Georgia Power Via Live Chat?

You can also get the Live Chat feature on Georgia Power Contact Page tap on the Chat button and get connected with their team member on a chat. You can ask questions to cancel your service on a chat. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Transfer Georgia Power Service To Another Person?

You can also transfer your service to another person if you don’t want to cancel the service. You can start the transfer process online by tapping on the “Start/Stop Service” from Georgia Power Website and then tap on the “Transfer Service” button. By following the steps and adding the details of the person (you wanna transfer service too) you are done. 

You can also talk to their team about your transfer process. 

How To Contact Georgia Power Customer Service?

You can contact their team by calling on their number at 1-888-655-5888 or via the Live Chat option. Go to their Contact page for getting more details about their contact information. 


If you are done with your Georgia Power Services, then you can cancel it at any time with any of the above-mentioned methods. The choice is yours!! And in case of any kind of inconvenience, feel feel to ask questions us in the comment section or contact Georgia Power Customer Service Team directly. Also Know, how to cancel Alabama Power Service.

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