How To Cancel Bluegreen Vacations Reservation?

How To Cancel Bluegreen Vacations Reservation?

Bluegreen promises its customers to provide the best vacation experience at beautiful locations. But, if you do not like their vacation reservations that much, then you can cancel Bluegreen Reservation. 

Bluegreen Vacation Club provides its users with a collection of the best resorts in the following locations- Orlando FL, Myrtle Beach, SC, Smooky Mountains TN, Los Vegas, and more. You can choose any of the resorts to spend your vacations. 

You can cancel your Bluegreen Vacations Reservations by making a call on the Bluegreen Vacations cancellation numbers for both the owners and non-owners. 

How To Cancel Bluegreen Vacations? Bluegreen Cancellation Policy

The request to cancel your Bluegreen Reservation must be accepted in writing via Mail. You just need to write a Bluegreen Vacation cancellation letter and send it to their team on the following Mailing Address. 

Bluegreen Vacations, 

Attn: Cancellations, 

8325 South Park Circle, 

Suite 200,

Orlando, Florida, 32819

If you cancel your reservation after 30 days of making the purchase, then your purchase money will not be refunded and will be taken by the resort. 

How To Cancel Bluegreen Reservation Made By An Owner?

How To Cancel Bluegreen Vacations Reservation- How To Cancel Bluegreen Reservation Made By An Owner?

For owner reservations and cancellations, a person needs to log into their Bluegreen Account and use the Chat online feature to get connected with their team on chat and ask them to cancel their reservation. 

They can also make a call to the Owner customer service number at 800-456-2582 during their working hours and submit your reservation request to their team on a call. 

Bluegreen Owner customer service working hours- Monday-Friday 8 am to 9 pm and Saturday (Phone & Chat) 9 am to 5.30 pm. 

How To Cancel Bluegreen Reservation Made By Non-Owner?

For non-owner reservations and cancellations, a Bluegreen Contact Us Form is available. To cancel the reservation, select “Non-Owner Reservations and Cancellations” from the “I Need Help With” section. 

Then, include your First and last Name, Email, and Telephone Number. Write a short message about canceling your Bluegreen reservation and submit the form to their team by clicking the “Send Email” button. 

As soon as you submit your form, your cancelation request will be sent and their team will then contact you and proceed to cancel your reservation. 

You can also try to contact them at Vacation Guest number 800-845-1995 and ask their team about the procedure and methods to cancel the reservation for non-owners. They will surely help you in canceling your reservation. 

How To Contact Bluegreen Vacations Customer Service?

You can contact the Bluegreen Vacations customer service team via the Email Contact Form or by making a call on the following numbers. 

Corporate Headquarters

(561) 912-8000 Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm

Owners Customer Service

800-456-2582 Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm and Saturday 9 am to 5.30 pm.

Promotional Vacation Guests Customer Service 

800-845-1995 Monday-Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. 


No matter you are a Bluegreen Owner or not, canceling your reservation is possible for both. You just need to pick up a phone make a call to their team on their preferred phone numbers and ask them to cancel your reservation and you are all done. You can also cancel Wyndham Reservation.

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