How To Cancel Amnesty International Donation?

How To Cancel Amnesty International Donation?

Donation is something that a person does of his own will. But, it would be frustrating, if someone forced you to donate. Isn’t it? The members of Amnesty International have faced this situation. 

Amnesty International is a non-government human rights corporation in the UK. Their team can unite together for the rights of the human and stand against any human injustice. 

If you have ever donated to this organization, but now are unable to stop your recurring payments. You can cancel them by getting in contact with the Amnesty International customer service team. 

How can you reach out to its team? We will discuss it in this article. 

Can You Cancel Your Amnesty International Donation?

Yes, you can cancel your Amnesty International monthly donations until you are connected with their team over a phone call or via Email. 

Also Read: How To Cancel ACLU Donation Service?

How To Cancel Amnesty International Over The Phone?

To cancel your Amnesty International monthly donation, you can contact their Member services by calling 1-800-AMNESTY or 1-800-266-3789 from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 8 pm EST. 

When you get connected with their team member on a call, ask them to cancel your donation payment. They verify your identity and cancel your payment. 

How To Cancel Amnesty International Via Email?

Other than calling, you will also have the option of an Amnesty International Contact Email. Send a cancelation Email to [email protected] and request them to cancel your donation. 

How To Cancel Amnesty International Donation Canada?

To cancel your Amnesty International Donation Canada, you need to contact their team over the phone. Reach out to their service team by calling their toll-free number 1-800-266-3789. You can leave a message to their team by filling out the Contact Form

Their team will then contact you within 3 working days. 

What Is Amnesty International Refund Policy?

Amnesty International has a strict refund policy. Your cancelation attempt will go under deep verification in their headquarters. Through their system, they verify the emails and phone numbers with which their team was contacted for cancelation. 

If they find out that the cancelation attempt was made, then they will refund the member for each successful donation payment. 

If you think that Amnesty has made an error while confirming your payments or if you have any issues related to your refund, then contact them at [email protected] 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Amnesty International Legit?

Yes, Amnesty International is a legitimate organization. They run the campaign for protecting human rights. 

How To Contact The Amnesty International Service Team?

You can contact the Amnesty International service team via [email protected]. You can visit the Amnesty Contact Page and get more contact information. 


Amnesty International did great work, but they forced people to donate. Due to this, people do not want to be its members. 

If you also feel the same, then you can cancel your Amnesty International membership by contacting their customer care team. In certain cases, you will even receive a refund for your successful payments. 

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