Cancel Planet Fitness Membership Online

Say Goodbye To Planet Fitness With A Few Clicks!

Looks like you either think that you are already fit enough or you have realized that you are just recklessly wasting your money on Planet Fitness. So, why not cancel your Planet Fitness membership and take care of your fitness on your own? If you intend to do so, we intend to help you with it.

A lot of people have been attracted to the features and benefits that are provided under the membership of Planet Fitness and most of them subsequently took up the subscription. However, many subscribers have felt that it could be better if they rather saved that money.

To cancel Planet Fitness, head to the front desk of your Home Club> ask for the cancelation form> Submit the form. Now your membership will be canceled. You can also mail a letter for your membership cancelation to Planet Fitness.

Continue to read this article if you want to know everything about the Planet Fitness membership and how to unsubscribe from it.

How To Cancel Planet Fitness Membership?

Right now, there are two possible ways in which individuals can cancel their membership to Planet Fitness. Both these methods have been mentioned below, have a look.

1. Cancel Planet Fitness Membership In Person 

The first method for canceling your Planet Fitness membership requires you to visit your Home Club of Planet Fitness in person. You will need to request a cancelation form at their front desk. They will provide you with the mentioned form which you have to fill out and then submit there.

Your application for cancelation of the Planet Fitness membership will soon be approved and you will be unsubscribed from their plan.

2. Cancel Your Planet Fitness Membership Via Mail

If you do not want to go in person to your Home Club for canceling the subscription going on in Planet Fitness, then you can also opt for the mailing method.

All you have to do is write a letter where you need to mention your name, phone number, address, your Planet ID membership number, and your intent to cancel the subscription.

You have to address this letter to your Planet Fitness Home Club. It is recommended that you send the cancelation letter only via certified mail.

You can then follow up with the club to check if the application was received and processed after approval. Once it is approved, you will have your membership to Planet Fitness canceled.

How Much Does Planet Fitness Membership Cost?

There are various options for getting a membership of the Planet Fitness club. Let us check out each of them.

Planet Fitness Black Card Membership – no commitment

1. Planet Fitness Startup Fee – $1.00 – one person only

2. Planet Fitness Monthly Dues – $22.99 – one person only

3. Planet Fitness Annual Fee – $39.00 – one person only

Here, with $1 down, there is no commitment to continue taking the membership. You are eligible for all the perks of Planet Fitness and you can also access any club worldwide.

Planet Fitness Classic Membership – 12-month commitment

1. Planet Fitness Startup Fee – $10.00 – one person only

2. Planet Fitness Monthly Dues – $10.00 – one person only

3. Planet Fitness Annual Fee – $39.00 – one person only

You have to give a 12-month commitment to this membership plan, and you also do not get access to more than one club. You can only use this membership in your Home Club.

Planet Fitness No Commitment Membership

1. Planet Fitness Startup Fee – $15.00 – one person only

2. Planet Fitness Monthly Dues- $15.00 – one person only

3. Planet Fitness Annual Fee – $39.00 – one person only

In this membership plan also you only have access to your Home Club. The good part of this membership is that you can cancel it anytime, there is no commitment here.

How To Cancel Planet Fitness Membership Online?

Unfortunately, as of now, there is no such mode of canceling your Planet Fitness Membership online. You either have to go to your Home Club in person to fill up the cancelation form or you will be required to send the letter via mail mentioning your request for membership cancelation. You are not even allowed to cancel your membership via phone call.

Is There A Cancellation Fee To Cancel Planet Fitness?

Yes, there is a cancellation fee for Planet Fitness if you cancel your membership before your membership period is over. You will be charged with a cancelation fee of $58 if you had purchased a yearly membership to the club and are planning to terminate before the completion of 12 months.

How To Avoid Planet Fitness Cancellation Fee? Can You Cancel Planet Fitness Without Cancellation Fee?

You can only avoid the cancellation fee if you are not into a membership commitment.

How To Pause Your Planet Fitness Membership?

If you are not up for completely canceling your Planet Fitness membership due to some medical or other reasons, you can also just simply pause your membership for the time being and then resume it later.

This is done by putting your account on hold. You will be required to reach out to your Home Club and request them for pausing your membership for a period of time and tell them that you will resume after that.

How To Transfer Planet Fitness Membership?

If you want to transfer your Planet Fitness membership to a different club, this is possible but only if you have been in your current club for about 90 days. You are also required to have a monthly membership for transferring it, the option is not applicable for annual membership plans, and the last thing to remember, there should be no outstanding fees or dues at your Home Club where you are enrolled at the moment.

How Can I Contact Planet Fitness? Planet Fitness Phone Number

If you ever face problems with your Planet Fitness membership or need answers to related queries then you can contact them by visiting the Planet Fitness Contact Us page. You may also give them a phone call at (844) 880-7180.

Wrap Up

Let us know if this article was helpful to you in easily canceling your membership in Planet Fitness. For any queries about the cancelation procedure of a subscription or a membership, you can ask us in the comments section.

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