How To Cancel English Heritage Membership?

How To Cancel English Heritage Membership?

If you have had your trips to England and do not plan to visit there any time soon in the coming years, then you do not need the services and offers of English Heritage. Thus, we think that you should cancel your English Heritage membership as soon as possible before your next renewal date arrives.  

With a membership to English Heritage, the members get access to discounts or simply free entries to several tourist attractions across England. In fact, if you are up for visiting the famous historical places over there like OPW, Manx National Heritage, and Cadw, then you will only have to pay either half the ticket price or nothing. 

To cancel your English Heritage membership, all you can do is contact the customer support of English Heritage over the phone and speak with the customer service agent assigned to you who will direct you through the process of cancelation and you will receive a confirmation for the same. 

To know in detail about the policies of your English Heritage membership and the right way to its cancelation, you should continue reading this article. 

Can You Cancel Your English Heritage Membership Anytime? 

You will be able to cancel your English Heritage membership only after the end of your current annual cycle. Since English Heritage charges its users once for an entire plan for the year, you are not allowed to cancel your ongoing annual membership. You will only be allowed to cancel the membership that has to be renewed for the next cycle, which you can also cancel anytime in advance. 

How To Cancel English Heritage Membership?

If you want to cancel your membership to English Heritage, then there is only one official way available for it as of now, which is by contacting the customer service of English Heritage. 

To contact the customer support of English Heritage, you only have the calling method. So, just dial the number 0370 333 1182 on your phone and you will be connected with one of the customer service agents of English Heritage. 

You can speak with the customer agent and let them know that you do not wish to continue your annual membership to English Heritage anymore. The customer support executive will try their best to convince you to continue your membership so you have to be ready with a strong reason beforehand. 

Once done with the convincing part, you will be required to provide them with the necessary details related to your membership so that they can process its cancelation easily. Once canceled, you will not be charged for your upcoming annual billing date. 

English Heritage Membership – FAQs 

Can You Cancel Your English Heritage Membership Online?

Unfortunately, there is no online mode of cancelation for your membership to English Heritage as of now, so it will be mandatory for you to opt for the calling option to cancel your respective membership by actively speaking with one of their customer service agents. 

Is There A Cancelation Fee To English Heritage? 

There is no cancelation fee that is charged by English Heritage to the users who request the cancelation of their subscription because you can only apply for canceling your membership for the next billing cycle, which is not an issue for them as they have already charged you for the current annual membership cycle. 

Can You Get A Refund On Your English Heritage Membership?

We are sorry to inform you that you are not going to be eligible for any kind of refund from English Heritage on the cancelation of your membership in any possible case. Whether you use your membership services or not, you will be liable for it and you cannot expect any refund from English Heritage. Moreover, you cannot even cancel your current membership for the year, you are allowed to cancel your membership only for the upcoming billing period. 

What Can you Do With An English Heritage Membership Pass?

If you have a pass to English Heritage, which is also called the English Heritage Overseas Pass, then you will be able to get to the sites under English Heritage for either 9 or 16 days consecutively. You will be charged only in the case of any special events being held at the site, otherwise, your entry to the venue is free. 

Wrapping Up

We hope that this was all that you needed to know about the cancelation of your English Heritage pass and we also assume that you have made the best use of your English Heritage membership that you had been using throughout the year and didn’t waste any money that you have paid for it till now. If there is any other membership or pass that you do not need anymore and wish to cancel, we are more than happy to assist you with the same.

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