Applying for a credit card is way easier than closing it. Unfortunately, you can not close your credit card by simply breaking the card into pieces. If you want to know how to cancel your Banana Republic Credit Card, read the article thoroughly.
Banana Republic is a global apparel brand which is founded in San Francisco, US. The brand sells affordable luxury items for men, women, kids, etc. available in more than 700 locations across the globe.
If you have decided that you want to cancel your Banana Republic Credit Card, you can do that easily via calling or sending a request email to the Banana Republic’s service team.
How To Cancel Banana Republic Credit Card Online?
If you think that this card is no longer beneficial to you, then you must cancel it. If have decided to cancel your Banana Republic Credit Card then please follow the below instructions:
- The first thing you must do is pay off the balance
- To proceed with the cancelation process, visit the website
- Login to your account with your email and password
- Go the My Profile
- Click on Services
- Choose the option Close My Account
- Provide the reason and confirm to cancel
You will receive an email confirmation and please note that this process will cancel your credit card with immediate effect.
How To Cancel Banana Republic Credit Card Over The Phone?
To cancel your Banana Republic credit Card Via calling, you have to call this number 888-277-8953 if you are in the United States. If you are from somewhere outside the United States you should call this number 888-906-1345. Both the numbers are toll-free and make sure to call between 7 Am to 1 Am ET.
Call the numbers accordingly, enter your card number, and provide your social security number. You need to follow the automated prompts, only then you will be able to connect with one of their service executives. When you are connected with a real-time person, you must request them to cancel your card.
Also, read How To Cancel BPI Card? Effective Way To Cancel Credit Card
Frequently Asked Questions
Is There An Annual Fee For Banana Republic Credit Card?
No, The good news is that the Banana Republic credit card comes with zero annual charges.
Can I Use The Banana Republic Credit Card Anywhere?
Yes, You can use the Banana Republic Credit Card wherever you want where a Mastercard is accepted.
The decision to cancel a credit must be made thoughtfully and carefully. Always discuss with your financial advisor first, as canceling a card may affect your credit utilization ratio and credit score as well in some cases.
In this article, we have provided you with all the possible methods that you can use to cancel your Banana Republic Credit card without any difficulty.