Cancel Subscription

How To Cancel Subscription?

Looks like you have already found the affordable home that you were looking for through Well, if that is the case, then you should cancel your subscription because there is no sense in continuing to pay for the membership, right?

With a subscription to the services of, you can easily find affordable houses as per your budget within your area. There are several membership types included in it from which you can choose, for instance, a trial membership, annual membership, or a standard membership. 

To cancel your subscription, you can either call on their customer service number and ask them to cancel your ongoing membership. Alternatively, you can also compose an email requesting the cancelation of your membership to their services and send it to the official email address of They will process your request and cancel your subscription. 

There is a lot more that you might need to know about canceling your subscription, so keep reading this article to attain all the necessary information. 

Also, read How To Cancel A PacSun Order? Cancel With Ease!

How To Cancel Subscription? Buydistressed Customer Service

There are a few ways in which you will be able to cancel your subscription to Let us discuss each of them and then you can proceed with the one you are more comfortable with. 

How To Cancel Subscription Over The Phone?

You can call on the customer service number of to request the cancelation of your ongoing subscription to their platform. 

For this, all you need to do is dial the number (800) 311-5440 on your phone and you will be connected to a customer support representative who you can talk to and ask to cancel your subscription to They will ask you for a reason for your decision, so provide them with a convincing one. 

Then, give them all the necessary details related to your subscription that they ask for and they will process your cancelation request. 

Make sure that you ask the agent to provide you with a confirmation message as proof of the successful termination of your subscription. 

Remember that the customer service number is available only between 4 a.m. and 8 p.m. PST during the weekdays (Monday to Friday) and between 7 A.M and 3:30 P.M. PST on weekends (Saturday and Sunday). So, you can only connect with their customer support agent if you call on the above number during the mentioned hours. 

How To Cancel Subscription Via Email?

If you are not comfortable with calling the customer service of BuyDistressed, then you can also request the cancelation of your subscription on their site by sending an email regarding the same. 

You need to compose an email where you have to mention that you do not want to keep your subscription to anymore and request its cancelation. Make sure that you have mentioned all the necessary details related to your personal information as well as your respective subscription in the email. 

Then, send this email to the official address of which is [email protected]

It doesn’t take more than 24 hours for the customer support team of to respond to the email queries that they receive. Keep checking your emails and you will soon get one mentioning that they are processing your request. Once your subscription is terminated, you will also be sent a confirmation email for the same. 

Also, read How To Cancel Subscription?

Is There A Free Trial On

Yes, you can subscribe to the free trial service on for which you will only be required to pay the nominal fee amount which is $1.00. After that, you will be able to use their services for the next 30 days without having to pay anything for them. 

Once your trial period of 30 days ends on, you will be charged the subscription fee which is about $49.60 for one month. 

How To Contact Customer Service Via Contact Form?

You can visit the contact page of where you will find their secure form to contact them. 

You will be required to choose the service you want to fill up the form for, and then enter your full name, email address, phone number, and the message you want to convey to their customer support. Then submit the form. The team will review your form and contact you accordingly regarding the same. 

Wrapping Up

We are concluding this article with the hope that you have been acknowledged with all the necessary information related to canceling your subscription to If there is any other service that you would like to unsubscribe from, we are here to help you out with that, you just need to let us know in the comments.  

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