Cancel Nordstrom Credit Card

How To Cancel Nordstrom Credit Card In 4 Simple Steps?

Have you found a better credit card company, or do you simply need to get rid of some of your accounts whose credit cards you are not using anymore, and Nordstrom is one of them? Well, then, we are here to help you with the cancelation of your Nordstrom credit card. 

Though Nordstrom credit cards come with exclusive rewards and benefits, there can be times that some of the users are still dissatisfied or want to cancel the card for some other reason. 

If you also want to cancel your Nordstrom credit card once and for all, you will need to contact customer service at Nordstrom over the phone and make a cancelation request to their representative, and they will help you with the process. 

To understand in detail how you can have your Nordstrom credit card canceled, we suggest that you keep reading this article till the very end. 

How To Cancel Nordstrom Credit Card?

The process of cancelation of your Nordstrom credit card will require you to go through a series of steps. The whole procedure has been explained in detail right below, so, you can read it and follow the same. 

1. Clear Your Balance

Once you have decided to cancel your Nordstrom credit card, the first thing that you need to make sure of is that you have paid off all the outstanding balance, if exists. 

If you are not sure about the amount owed on your card, then you can either check your recent account statements or simply contact customer support at Nordstrom and ask them to provide you with the details. 

2. Reach Out To Nordstrom Customer Service 

Next, you have to dial the number 1 800 964 1800 on your phone and you shall be connected with one of the customer support agents of Nordstrom. 

You can speak with them and request the cancelation of your credit card. They will ask you for your credit card details and some other related information, so, keep them handy while you make the call. 

3. Follow The Instructions Given By The Representative

The customer service agent shall provide you with some instructions for the successful cancelation of your credit card. Listen to and follow them carefully.

Throughout the cancelation process, they might also ask you for some additional information, so provide them with the same, and make sure that all the information that you provide is correct and your card shall be canceled. 

4. Destroy Your Nordstrom Card

Finally, once your credit card has been canceled, it is better that you also cut or destroy your physical card so that there are no possibilities of unauthorized use. 

If you also want to cancel any other credit card like Wells Fargo credit card then you can check out our article on the same.


Can You Cancel Your Nordstrom Credit Card Online?

As of now, there is no option provided by Nordstrom by which you can cancel your credit card online through a manual procedure. The only option that you have is to contact their customer service team and request the same.

Is There Any Cancelation Fee For Nordstrom Credit Card?

You will be glad to know that Nordstrom does not charge any kind of cancelation charges to its users. So, you do not need to worry about paying any amount if you wish to cancel your credit card at any point in time, just make sure that your balance is paid off. 

Does Canceling Nordstrom Credit Card Affect Credit Score?

Yes, no matter if it is your Nordstrom or any other credit card, canceling it will surely affect your credit score. The impact can be much higher if you have a longstanding account which can lead to a reduction in the average age of your credit history. 

Wrapping Up

That’s it, we conclude our article in the hope that you have been able to cancel your Nordstrom credit card through our simplified steps without making any mistakes. In case, there is any other credit card you do not want anymore, we are here to help you cancel it as well, and you are just a comment away.

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