How To Cancel National Magazine Exchange?

How To Cancel National Magazine Exchange?

As we know that a lot of magazine companies are providing good content according to everyone’s niche, it is normal that you would like to cancel your subscription to National Magazine Exchange and switch to a different magazine. 

National Magazine Exchange is one of the popular companies that allow people to take subscriptions to their magazines which cover a variety of categories including news, entertainment, lifestyle, sports, and so on, and one can choose the category which he or she finds most interesting. But, there are also several alternatives and you might find one at a more effective price. 

To cancel your National Magazine Exchange subscription, you can contact their customer support over the phone and request the same, or you can also send an email to their address mentioning the request for cancelation along with all the necessary details. 

If you wish to know in detail all the currently available methods to cancel your National Magazine Exchange subscription in a simplified manner, then continue reading this article. 

How To Cancel National Magazine Exchange? 

You cannot cancel your subscription to National Magazine Exchange in just a single way, but three different methods and we are going to describe all of them in detail right below so you can take a look.

How To Cancel National Magazine Exchange Over The Phone?

Let us first get to the most straightforward method of canceling National Magazine Exchange, which is the calling method. 

You need to first make a phone call on the number 1 800 877 7187 and you will be directed to an automated voice menu. Listen to it and select the option to cancel your subscription. 

Wait till you are assigned a customer support representative to whom you can then explain that you would like to cancel your subscription. You will be also needed to provide your account details, so keep them with you at the time of calling. 

After providing all the details, let the representative process the cancelation of your magazine subscription. 

Confirm with the representative that your subscription has been canceled and ask for a confirmation number or email. 

How To Cancel National Magazine Exchange Via Email? 

Those who are not comfortable with making a phone call can also opt for the emailing method to cancel their subscription to National Magazine Exchange. For this, you need to compose an email mentioning that you want to cancel your subscription with a suitable subject line. 

Make sure that you include your number as well as subscription details in the email. Also, provide a suitable reason why you are canceling your subscription and request a confirmation of the cancelation. 

Once composed, send the email to the address [email protected]

Their customer support will look into your cancelation request and act upon the same accordingly. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your respective subscription is canceled successfully. 

How To Cancel National Magazine Exchange Via Post?

Finally, you can also send a postal mail to the customer support of National Magazine Exchange for the cancelation of your subscription. For this, you will be required to compose a written letter where you have to mention that you would like to have your subscription terminated. 

Provide all your necessary account and subscription details along with the phone number. Sign the letter at the end. You can also mention your request for cancelation if you wish to and then send the letter to the National Magazine Exchange’s customer service team at the address mentioned below.

National Magazine Exchange 

P.O.Box 9085


FL 33758 9085. 

Wait for a response from National Magazine Exchange confirming your cancelation. 

Cancel National Magazine Exchange – FAQs

Is There A Cancelation Fee For National Magazine Exchange Subscription?

The cancelation fee of your National Magazine Exchange subscription will depend upon the terms and conditions of your subscription agreement. You will be required to review your contract for this, or you can also simply contact their customer service for more information. 

Will You Receive Refund on Canceling National Magazine Exchange? 

Some subscriptions may offer a refund for any remaining issues of your magazines while others may not, so it will completely depend upon the terms and conditions of your subscription agreement. 

How Will I Know If My National Magazine Exchange Subscription Has Been Canceled? 

National Magazine Exchange should send you a confirmation email or letter once your cancelation has been processed. If you do not receive confirmation, you can contact their customer service to verify the cancelation. 

Wrapping Up
With this, we come to conclude our article on the cancelation of the National Magazine Exchange subscription. We hope that this guide was helpful to you and you will not find any difficulty in its cancelation. If you have also taken a subscription to a newspaper like Chicago Tribune then you can check our article on the same.

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