Cancel AFLAC Insurance

How To Cancel AFLAC Insurance In Just 2 Simple Ways!

Have you found a better insurance cover, or have your mindset just changed about the insurance? Well, whatever it is, if you want to cancel your AFLAC insurance, then you are at the right place because this is where you are going to get all the required answers.  

AFLAC, or say, American Family Life Assurance Company, is undoubtedly the largest insurance provider (supplemental) in the US. the policies that are included in its plans are Vision, Hospital Coverage, Life Insurance, Short-Term Disability, Cancer, Accident, Dental, and Critical Illness. Anyone in the US looking for insurance definitely checks out AFLAC policies. 

To cancel your AFLAC insurance, you can simply call on their customer service phone number and request the cancelation. Alternatively, you also have the choice of filling out a cancelation form on their official website and submitting it. Their customer support will look into your request and process it after which you will soon receive a favorable response. 

To know in detail about the methods of having your AFLAC insurance canceled, we suggest that you keep reading because you are going to find everything below. 

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How To Cancel AFLAC Insurance?

Since there are more than one ways to cancel your AFLAC insurance, we will discuss each of them with you right here so that easily decide which method you would like to proceed with. 

How To Cancel AFLAC Insurance Over The Phone?

Let us first check out the quickest and simplest method of canceling your insurance on AFLAC, which is the calling method. 

All you have to do is dial the number 800 992 3522 on your phone and you will be connected to one of the customer support agents of AFLAC Insurance who you can speak with and ask to terminate your subscription. 

They will ask you for some of your personal information along with your Insurance Policy number, so make sure that you have it ready with you already before calling so that no one’s time is wasted. 

As soon as you provide the agent with the mandatory details, they will process the cancelation of your insurance and you will also receive a confirmation message for the same, but still ask them to provide you with one beforehand. 

Remember that customer service is though available throughout the day, you need to call somewhere between 8 am and 8 pm Eastern Time if you want a customer support representative to respond to you, otherwise, only their interactive voice response will respond to your call which is available throughout the day. 

How To Cancel AFLAC Insurance Online?

We know why you are not satisfied with the above method of cancelation for your AFLAC insurance and are reading this now.

Because you do not prefer calling people, especially when you don’t even know them and are making the call for them to do your work. 

For all such people, the good news is that the online cancelation method is also available for them. 

Here are the steps that you will be required to follow if you wish to manually cancel your AFLAC insurance online. 

1. Open a web browser on your device and head to the official website of AFLAC.

2. Open the Contact Customer Service page of their website.

3. There you will see a form where you have to fill out your contact information along with the policy number.

4. Next, you have to choose the request type as the request for the Cancelation of your policy. 

5. Then, in the request field you have to state that you would like to have your currently active policy canceled. 

6. Once all the particulars in the form are filled out, you have to click on the Submit button. 

As you submit your cancelation request, your job is done. Now their customer support will go through your request and proceed accordingly and you will soon receive a confirmatory message on the successful cancelation of your insurance. 

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How To Cancel Employer-Provided AFLAC Policy?

If you are currently signed up for employer-provided insurance of AFLAC, then the above methods are not going to work for the cancelation. In such as case, you will first be required to talk to your company’s HR about the matter and then will have to fill out a form for a cancelation request. 

In the case of the after-tax employer-paid policy, your insurance coverage will be stopped as soon as your requested month ends. However, in the case of pre-tax coverage, your policy shall terminate only on the first day of the upcoming year. 

Cancel AFLAC Insurance- FAQs

If You Cancel Aflac Do You Get Money Back?

You can get your money back after you cancel Aflac insurance if your life insurance has a cash value. That cash value will be returned to you after cancellation. Canceling your insurance plan from Aflac won’t provide you with any pro-rated refund.

What Is Aflac Policy Cancellation Form?

If you want to cancel your Aflac policy then filling out a cancellation form and submitting it to the officials will do the work. Open Aflac Cancellation Form, fill out all the required details given here, and submit it to proceed with policy cancellation.

Wrapping Up

Now is the time to conclude our article as we believe that we have already covered the portions related to the cancelation of your insurance from AFLAC.

We hope that you have been successful in canceling your policy and have also found a much better alternative to this. But if you again change your mind and want to cancel your new policy, you can come to us for assistance. 

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