How To Cancel Discover Card?

How To Cancel Discover Card? Step-By-Step Guide!

It seems like you have taken the Discover Credit Card Services for its benefits such as great rewards and no annual fee. But, suddenly found a better credit card alternative other than Discover. Now, you surely want to cancel this one and opt for the new one. 

Discover is a company that offers credit cards to its customers for getting amazing rewards for Personal & Home Loans with low rates of interest. Discover helps you to spend your money in a smarter way so that you can save your finances for your future. But, if you do not find their services useful, then you can also have the option to cancel your Discover Credit Card. 

If you want to cancel your Discover Credit Card, then you can do so easily by getting in touch with their customer service team and submitting your cancelation request in front of them. 

Key Points About How To Cancel A Discover Credit Card?

  1. You need to inform the Discover company before canceling your credit card and you are only responsible for any accumulated debt on your Discover Account
  2. If you cancel your Credit Card, your credit score may be affected, which will also increase your credit utilization rate
  3. Your closed credit card can be still seen on your Discover Credit Card history for up to 10 years. 

How To Cancel Discover Card: Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Pay Off The Balance: Before moving forward to cancel your Discover Credit Card Account, first, make this thing sure that you do have not any remaining balance left on your account. First, clear any outstanding balance on your Discover Account and then go for the credit card cancelation. To pay off your balance, you can enable the automatic payment option on your account or you can use the Balance Transfer service. 
  1. Use Any Remaining Rewards Before Cancelling Credit Card: If you still have any special rewards in your credit card account, then make sure to use them wisely before canceling the account. In short, why waste your rewards? Right? Use them first, and then cancel the account
  1. Inform Other CardHolders That You Are Closing Your Account: If any of your family members or friends are authorized with that account with you, then you need to inform them about your account closure. 
  1. Submit Your Cancellation Request: After done with all these 3 steps, now you can submit your card cancellation request by contacting Discover Service Team. you can contact them by calling on the number which is written on the back side of your credit card. 
  1. Destroy Your Card: As soon as your Credit Card is canceled, it is best to destroy your card, so that your credit card number is no longer available or used by any person. 

How To Close Discover Account Online?

Currently, Discover does not provide its cardholders the option to cancel their credit card directly online from their account. The only way for credit card cancelation is by contacting the Discover Customer Service team and asking them to cancel the credit card. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens If Discover Closed My Account With Balance?

Sometimes, your Discover Card closed due to inactivity by the Discover Team even with a balance in it. In that case, your account is canceled and you will not be able to use your Discover Credit Card but you still have to pay the remaining balance left on your account to their team before its due date. 

Does Closing A Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Score?

Definitely Yes. If you cancel your credit card, then it will obviously affect your credit scores. 

Does Discover Card Have An Annual Fee?

No, Discover Credit Card does not have an annual fee. You can get amazing rewards and benefits from Discover Card without even paying any annual fee. 

How Do I Contact Discover Customer Service?

For any general query or other issues, you can contact their service team by calling their number at 1-800-347-2683 (U.S.) & 1-224-888-7777 (outside the U.S.). You can also contact them via Live chatting by clicking the “Send Message” button from Discover Contact Page. Discover Customer Service number is available 24 hours. You can contact them at any time. 


If your Credit Cards rewards are getting finished or if you have multiple credit card account with you. Well!! We know that your reason must be obvious and we are here to help you with these steps to cancel your Discover Credit Card. Hope these steps will help you in canceling your card. You can also cancel Amazon Credit Card.

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