The store credit cards are genuinely beneficial for saving money and earning rewards and they also provide exclusive deals, discounts, and services. But after some time they will be of no use to you because you can not keep shopping from a single brand.
American Eagle is an expensive and successful clothing brand worldwide that was founded in 1977. Apart from just selling products the brand is well known for maintaining good relations with its clients. They offer two types of cards to their members, rewards cards and credit cards.
However, If you are ready to cut your ties with this brand or want to explore other options available in the market. Then you are at the right place as in this article you are going to discover some easy ways to cancel your American Eagle Credit Card.
How To Cancel American Eagle Card Over The Phone?
If you have made up your mind and do not need the American Eagle Card anymore, you can easily close your credit card by contacting their service team at this number 1 (888) 232-4535.
Dial the number on your phone and follow the prompts to connect with one of their service representatives. Once your call is connected to one of the team members, you may request them to cancel your credit card. Provide the information asked and the reason for cancelation. Post successful verification, your credit card will be canceled successfully.
How To Cancel American Eagle Credit Card via Email?
Alternatively, You can easily cancel your American Eagle Credit Card by sending an Email. Follow the below instructions to send an email.
- Go to the official website of American Eagle
- Scroll down at the bottom of the page
- Navigate to the Email Us option and Tap on it
- Click on Choose a topic, a dropdown menu will open
- Select AE Credit Card
- Enter your Name and Email Address
- In the message box write Cancel American Express Card
- Also, write the reason for the cancelation
Rest assured that your card will be canceled and the team will get in touch with you if any further information is needed.
Also, read How To Cancel Big Lots Credit Card?
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Contact The Customer Service Of American Eagle?
You can contact the Customer Service team of American Eagle by calling 1 (888) 232-4535 or writing an email.
What Should I Do If I Have Lost My American Eagle Gift Card?
If you have lost your American Eagle Credit Card, you should immediately contact their team and get it replaced.
American Eagle is a High-end brand and their products are usually expensive. Even though these store credit cards offer a lot of benefits we all know that there are a lot of better options in the market. We hope this guide will be helpful to you in canceling your American Eagle Credit Card.