Cancel Hungryroot

How To Cancel Hungryroot Subscription? Hungryroot Reviews!

Hungryroot is one of the best ways to eat healthy everyday with a variety of options to choose from. You might wish to cancel the subscription if you find it very expensive or have found a better alternative.

Hungryroot is a company that offers a wide range of healthy meal plans and grocery delivery services. You can customize your orders accordingly and skip or pause deliveries if you wish to.

You can easily skip a delivery or pause the services for a few months with Hungryroot. However, if you are determined to cancel your subscription, this guide will be helpful. You will be provided with proper methods and instructions on how to cancel Hungryroot subscription.

How Can I Cancel My Hungryroot Subscription On Desktop?

There can be many reasons for canceling the Hungryroot Subscription such as changes in financial conditions, health changes, changes in diet, etc. You can follow the below steps to cancel your subscription on your desktop.

  • Visit the official website of Hungryroot.
  • Log in to your account.
  • Tap on your name in the top right corner.
  • Click on Account Settings.
  • Click on Cancel account or you can choose to pause the delivery.
  • To continue the cancellation process, click on Continue to Cancel.
  • Now, select the reason for cancellation.
  • Also, share your feedback and complaints.
  • At last, Click on Continue to Cancel to submit the cancellation request.
  • You will receive a confirmation message once your subscription is canceled.

How Can I Cancel My Hungryroot Subscription on Mobile App?

If you are using Hungryroot’s mobile application then you must follow the below instructions to cancel the subscription.

  • Open the Hungryroot app.
  • Click on your profile icon.
  • Go to the Account settings.
  • Click on Cancel Account.
  • You will see the option to pause the deliveries there.
  • Select Continue to Cancel.
  • Now select the reason for cancellation.
  • You can write a detailed reason for cancellation on the next page.
  • You can also write feedback and any suggestions.
  • Then click on Continue to Cancel again.

Your subscription will be canceled and you will lose any credit or remaining balance in your account.

What Are The Customer’s Reviews On Hungryroot?

Hungryroot Subscription helps people in having a healthy and balanced diet. There are plenty of diet options and vegan food as well. Customers are satisfied with the food and services. The company has received many positive reviews from customers.

People love the fact that with the help of Hungryroot, they can easily manage their weekly meal preps. They keep introducing new items now and then. Customers are satisfied with the quality and quantity of the food they receive.

Also, read How To Cancel 1st Phorm Subscription?

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Hungryroot Charge You If You Skip A Delivery?

If you skip a delivery order on Hungryroot, you will not be charged for that particular order if you cancel it on time.

How To Contact The Customer Support At Hungryroot?

To speak with the customer service team of Hungryroot, you need to call this number 855-222-5704 anytime except on official holidays.


In conclusion, Hungryroot is a company that offers healthy meal plans and grocery deliveries, it is worth it but some people find it a little expensive. In this article, we have provided a step-by-step guide on the cancellation process of Hungryroot, we hope this will help you.

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