Cancel Esurance Policy

How To Cancel Esurance Policy? Try This Easiest Way!

Do you think that there are better companies with more beneficial and affordable car insurance plans than Esurance? Then why are you sticking with your Esurance plan? You should immediately cancel Esurance and get whatever refund you can from there so that you can use the money for your new insurance plan. 

If you are from Canada, America, or Mexico, then it is sure that you have heard of Esurance, and once you get to know about it and are also looking for an insurance plan, then you would definitely try it out. But, it is not necessary that everyone will be satisfied with the features and services that Esurance offers to its members, which is why people would like to switch and try out another plan.  

To cancel Esurance, you will need to contact their customer support by calling on their official number. Provide all the important details related to your membership plan and make a request for the cancelation of the same along with a suitable reason. Let the agent process your request and your Esurance plan shall soon be terminated. 

We know that there is a lot more that you are looking for regarding the cancelation as well as the refund of your Esurance plan, so just keep reading and get your answers.  

Also, read How To Cancel Progressive Insurance? 3 Possible Ways!!

How To Cancel Esurance Policy?

Well, there is currently only one way in which you will be able to cancel your plan on Esurance. While there are many people who prefer to cancel the policy manually, the direct method is more reliable as you can simply seek assistance from customer support of Esurance and they will cancel the policy for you. 

You can connect with the customer support of Esurance over the phone. The customer service number of Esurance is 1 (800) 378 7262, so you can just dial this number and wait out the phone queue. 

You will soon be assigned a customer support representative who you can talk to and let know that you do not wish to continue your insurance plan. They might ask you for the reason, so be ready with a valid one so that they can’t convince you to keep the plan. 

They will ask you to provide a specified date from which you would like to put the cancelation of your plan into effect. You can also ask them if there is any cancelation fee that they will need to pay or any refund if they are eligible for it. 

Once you provide them with all the details that the agent needs for the cancelation of your Esurance plan, they will process your request and your plan shall be canceled. Make sure to ask them to provide you with a confirmation message for the same. 

Then, you will have to send the proof of your cancelation to the Esurance company as a last step so that they also have the confirmation of the same. You can send the proofs either via email or physical mail. 

If you want to send them the details through email, then you will be required to send the email to the address [email protected]

If you would prefer the physical mailing option for sending the proof that your plan has been canceled then you can send it to Esurance Customer Service, ℅ Allstate Insurance Company, PO Box 660637.

Also, read How To Cancel Primerica Life Insurance? Easy Hacks!

Cancel Esurance Policy – FAQs

How To Cancel Esurance Online?

If you believe in manually doing your work without depending upon someone else, then you must be looking for a method through which you can cancel your Esurance plan online on your own. However, we are very unfortunate to inform you that as of now, there is no such method by which you can cancel your Esurance policy manually. 

The only method that you can depend upon is the calling method. So, in any case, you will be needed to call on their customer service number and only their representative can cancel your Esurance plan. 

Can You Get A Refund From Esurance?

Yes, under certain circumstances, you can be eligible for a refund on the successful cancelation of your Esurance plan. The refund is applicable only in the case that you have canceled your Esurance policy before its renewal. In such a case, you will be getting a calculated refund amount depending on how much of your premium has been unused at the moment. 

Is There A Cancelation Fee On Esurance?

There are certain conditions under which you might be charged a cancelation fee on terminating your Esurance plan. This can happen if you are having a monthly payment system for your policy. In that case, a small installment fee is charged for each monthly payment and when you cancel your policy, about 10% of your remaining balance of the premium plan will be charged as the cancelation fee or the amount can also be a flat fee somewhere between $30 and $50.  

Wrapping Up

This was all you needed to know about the cancelation of your Esurance plan and whether you will be charged a cancelation fee or will get a good refund for it. If there is any other insurance like State Form Insurance that you want to cancel, then you can check our guide on the same.  

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