Cancel ADT Service

How To Cancel ADT Service?

Do you know that canceling your ADT Service becomes easy now? If you are not using your ADT Security Account as much as you used to, then you seriously need to cancel ADT Service. How? Well!! you just need to stay connected with this article to get to know about some convenient ways to cancel your Service.

ADT Security Account provides 24/7 electronic security, alarm monitoring services, and fire protection to small and large businesses. Its membership assists you in protecting your home in a convenient way for you and your budget. If you decided to change your security services to another one, then you need to first cancel your ADT service subscription and then go for another option. Here is how you can cancel your ADt service. 

To cancel ADT Service, you only have to make a call to ADT Cancellation Number 1-800-ADT-ASAP and you will get connected with their team member on a call and ask for their help. To know more about its cancelation process in steps, you need to read the full article up to the end. 

What Is ADT Cancellation Policy?

These are the important things that are included in the ADT Cancelation policy.

  • Customers who cancel their security system early pay an ADT cancellation fee of up to 75% of the remaining monthly charges.
  • The contract for ADT security service is for 36 months (24 months in California).
  • ADT security systems come with a six-month money-back guarantee.

How To Cancel ADT Service?

The simplest way to cancel ADT home security services is by calling on their helpline number and asking them to cancel your subscription with them. Whether you like this method or not, this is the only method that is available. Except for calling, there is no other method to do so. 

Follow these steps to cancel your ADT Service over the phone:

Step 1: Gather Your Account Information

You will need to first collect some required and important information related to your ADT subscription, which you have to provide to their team member in order to verify your identity. The information includes the following:

  • Your account password
  • Your account number
  • Your billing address

Step 2: Determine Your Cancelation Period

You can cancel your ADT service during your trial period or within the contract. If you cancel within your free trial period, you will not be charged for your cancelation, but if you cancel within the ADT contract period, then you will have to pay a certain amount of money as a cancelation fee. 

Step 3: Contact ADT Customer Service

Once you are ready with your information, it’s time to make a call to the ADT customer service support team. Dial 800-773-1391, online one person from their team connect you over the phone and ask them to assist you. You will then tell them you want help in your cancelation process. They will then ask for your subscription information and some personal details for your verification and continue to help you in canceling your ADT service subscription. You have to tell them a valid cancelation reason. If you are canceling your contract service, then you need to pay a termination fee as told by the person on the phone.

Step 4: Check Credit Statements

If you’ve paid off the remainder of your contract, you won’t be charged by ADT again after you cancel. If charges appear, you may need to contact customer service to resolve the situation.

Step 5: Update Records

Once your cancelation is done! You will get a confirmation message of your cancelation as proof of evidence. Keep that proof or record with you for future reference. 

How To Cancel ADT Contract Without Paying Penalty?

You need to wait until your ADT contract ends if you don’t want to pay penalties for the cancelation. When your 24 or 36-month ADT contract expires, ADT automatically enrolls you in a monthly package. Then, after being in a month-to-month contract, you are allowed to cancel your ADT service at any time with only one month’s notice. 

Can You Get A Refund For Your ADT Services?

According to ADT Cancelation policy, ADT offers a six-month money-back guarantee for customers who are not satisfied with their services. If you are facing any kind of issues with the services provided by ADT and their team won’t be able to fix your problem, then in that case you can go for canceling your ADT service without paying any fee and your money will also be refunded to your account. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Cancel ADT Online?

There is no way to cancel your ADT service online. You need to talk to their team in order to assist you in any way. 

How To Contact ADT Customer Service?

For general queries, you can contact their team by calling on their support number (800) 716-3640 or by clicking on the “Live Chat Now” button from the bottom of the ADT Website and get connected with their team agent chatting.

Does My ADT Contract Renew Automatically?

Yes, your ADT monthly contract service will renew automatically until you cancel it.


Well!! Canceling ADT Service for those persons who did not like calling so much, quite be difficult. But unfortunately, except for calling, there is no other option for canceling your ADT services. Don’t be afraid on calling to their team, they all are very polite and would love to help you with your cancelation process or any other issue. You can also cancel My Alarm Center Service.

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