How to Cancel VSCO Membership?

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2. Tap your name. 3. Tap Subscriptions. 4. Look for VSCO subscription. 5. Tap Cancel Subscription.

How to cancel VSCO Membership on iPhone or iPad?

1. Open the Google Play app on your Android mobile phone. 2. At the top right, tap the profile icon. 3. Tap Payments & subscriptions and then Subscriptions. 4. Select VSCO subscription. 5. Tap Cancel subscription. 6. Follow the instructions.

How to cancel VSCO Membership on Android

VSCO has stated that they cannot issue any refunds and that you must request a refund through Apple, Google, or Samsung. It’s not clear if you will be able to get a refund on Apple. but if you have purchased a VSCO membership through Google, you might be eligible for a refund if you make a request within 48 hours of the purchase. 

Can I get a refund for a purchased VSCO Membership?

To cancel your VSCO free trial on Android, you will need to open your subscriptions through Play Store and make sure you cancel at least 24 hours before your subscription start date.

How do I cancel my VSCO free trial on Android?

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